At my next hospital appointment, which is scheduled for next Tuesday, they will be fitting me out with a fibreglass cast of the type commonly referred to as a "moonboot". After that, I ought to be able to venture a bit further outside the house (to say nothing of being able to take a proper shower!).
Fortunately, the pain has been controllable with nothing more than paracetamol and asprin. (Except immediately after the injury occurred - when the paramedics administered a double-shot of morphine before the rescue operation commenced!) I have been also given a supply of something more potent, a type of synthetic codiene. However, that stuff plays havoc with ones intestinal tract, so I try to avoid having to use those tablets!
My employer has been wonderfully supportive, to the extent of this morning sending one of the junior staff around to mow my lawns. A full accident investigation has been initiated, both internally (as per company requirements), and externally (as per statutory requirements).
I had managed to last 62 years without ever breaking a bone, despite having played rugby football, crashed motorbikes and been thrown from horses. Just goes to show that - like most cliches - the one about there "Always Being a First TimeFor Everything" is quite true!